Настоящее имя: IVDT
A 'Quality over Quantity' netlabel. Providing free music since 2001
Current artist roster: Bend, Sinister, Endoskeleton, Generentropy, Gregory Elliott /Spagirus, Headphone Science, Human, infidelArray, J. Auer, Line Noise & LacedMilk Tech, Mleep, MonoCulture, Naono & Melorman, Nick Cramer, Noise Reductions, Nvoise, Phortran/Chemical Sky, Plowve, Potwhore, Project 65, Q u o n e, Resynthesize, Sombre Consern, Sükdom, Tangible, The Dongles, The Retail Sectors, Use/Maph Prothet & Oblong Quadroflop and Zainetica.