Based in Florida, U.S.A. this firm specializes in working with independent record labels, artists and bands to create posters, vinyl records, CDs and DVDs. WWW.ILOVEIMPRINT.COM is a brand name used by Imprint Indie Printing.
When a release is credited as this url, please use the term Manufactured By in the LCCN section of a release unless the release states a specific role such as Printed By, etc. in which case that may also be used.
WWW.ILOVEIMPRINT.COM assigns a unique four or five digit number to their releases (which may or may not appear in the CD or DVD matrix depending on which plant pressed it). This number, if present, should be entered in the LCCN catalogue Number field. If unsure, please leave the Catalogue Number field blank.
If other roles are credited as Imprint Indie Printing please use that company name for those credits.
WWW.ILOVEIMPRINT.COM does not press Vinyl, nor do they glass master or press CDs or DVDs. Please do not use these terms in the LCCN section of a release when crediting it. They subcontract these functions to various other companies.
Please credit the appropriate pressing plant with the Pressed By credit if it can be identified.