Nora Kyrka
Настоящее имя: Nora Kyrka
Church in the town of Nora, Sweden, build in 1880. The church organ was build in 1881 by the Örebro based company Erik Adolph Setterqvist & Son and had 24 organ stops. When the church was restord in 1926 the organ was rebuild by the company A. Magnusson Orgelbyggeri in Gothenburg to include 34 organ stops. 20 of the original stops from 1881 was kept.
Marie Nordenmalm is the organist and director of the parish Nora Bergsförsamling.
The following choirs are connected to the church:
Nora Kammarkör a.k.a. Gyttorpskören
Nora Kyrkas Barnkör
Nora Kyrkas Minikör
Nora Kyrkas Ungdomskör
Nora Kyrkokör
Nora Oratoriekör
The following orchestras are connected to the church:
Nora Kammarorkester