Rob Digital
Настоящее имя: Rob Digital
Rob Digital started as a label catering for the authentic, with quality but no prejudice. It's first titles covered genres like Choro, Samba, Bossa, Instrumental Music and Sountracks. But soon they realized that the task of distribution would be better accomplished by bringing together other labels with similar propositions. The labels found to be the best partners brought in the necessary musical muscle to form a much stronger catalogue. The label CPC Umes brought a rich mix of instrumental music, choro, samba, and new talent with a welcome bias on the Northeastern region with its pulsating rythms. Rádio Mec label benefits from the use of a symphonic recording studio which was put to the service of old and new talent doing their albums with substantial artistic freedom. Zabumba Records brings in a lot of experience in recording quality instrumental music, and Carioca Discos represents the best tradition of roots samba from Rio de Janeiro.
Rua Carlos Machado, 176 - Pólo Rio Audiovisual
Barra da Tijuca - Rio de Janeiro, RJ
Zip Code: 22775-042
Phne: (21) 3042-2069 | (21) 3042-5253 | (21) 8222-2143 | Fax: (21) 3042-2069