Ronnex Records
Настоящее имя: Ronnex Records
Also appears as "Ronnex" only.
Defunct Belgian label & record company, founded by Albert Van Hoogten in 1951. It was named after his record store, called "Ronny". Most of their recordings were done at the studio of the Brussels' label Olympia. Most famous recording was the 1957 Eurovision Song Contest winner: Net als toen (Corry Brokken) It was fully acquired by BMG Publishing Belgium. Later BMG sold it to Pop Eye Records in Leuven (Belgium)
Artists: Corry Brokken, Fonseca, Jack Hammer, Brian, Freddy Sunder, The Shake Spears, Les Têtes Blanches, Nelly Wijsbek...
Studio orchestra and ensemble: Ronnex Orchestra and Ronnex Ensemble.
Ronnex Records
Schipperijkaai - Quai du Batelage 5 b.185
1000 Brussel - Bruxelles
Tel: (02) 219.65.61 5 (obsolete)
Address contact since 2019:
Matenstraat 214
2845 Niel
België (Belgium)
Tel: +32 (0)3 292 83 90
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