AK Press Audio
Настоящее имя: AK Press Audio
AK Press is a worker run book publisher and distributor organized around anarchist principles. All decision-making, including which titles are distributes and published, is made collectively. Their goal is to make available radical books and other materials, titles that are published by independent presses, not the corporate giants, titles with which you can make a positive change in the world.
[b]North America[/b]: AK Press, 674-A 23rd Street, Oakland, CA 94612
Voice - (510) 208-1700; Fax - (510) 208-1701; Email - info@akpress.org
[b]Europe[/b]: AK Distribution, PO Box 12766, Edinburgh, EH8 9YE, Scotland
Email - ak@akedin.demon.co.uk or help@akuk.com