Liquid Sound Lounge
Настоящее имя: Liquid Sound Lounge
DJ Jeannie Hopper brings together multiple rhythms of electronic music fused with righteous wordologists and soulful musicians on her record label Liquid Sound Lounge (LSL) Recordings (established in 1996.
The label was created to give exposure to new artists seeking a Liquid Sound Lounge Sound. The LSL sound is about focusing on the artist's original unique style rather than conforming to a pre-conceived genre which allows the artist to truly express themselves. LSL arranges remixes which compliment the artist and exposes the artist via vinyl and CD releases. This allows the artist to develop an organic sound and following before going on to sign to a major record label. Our first release, "I'll Be Stronger" by Cubic U is an example of our success. The project remixes were produced with our signature sound and distributed through the underground on vinyl which successfully generated a major label deal with Toshiba/EMI Japan and Virgin UK/USA. Also, Emo who got an album deal after his single release on LSL. The LSL releases have been and continue to appear on various CD compilations. And the back catalog of vinyl is available through if you're a vinyl collector! Stay posted to for our LSL Collection soon to be released on a double cd set!
Liquid Sound Lounge
P.O. Box 7013
New York, NY 10116