Brainiak Records Audio Sensory Stimulation Ltd.
Настоящее имя: Brainiak Records Audio Sensory Stimulation Ltd.
Company/legal entity for label Brainiak Records.
The company was incorporated in the UK on 2 May 1990, ceased trading in 1997, and dissolved on 5 September 2000.
Full legal entity name: Brainiak Records (Audio Sensory Stimulation) Limited
UK Company number: 02498461
Incorporated: 2 May 1990 as 'Rumonpark Limited'
May also be seen on releases as:
- Brainiak Records Audio Stimulation Ltd.
Last registered office address:
10/12 New College Parade
Finchley Road
London NW3 5EP
[i](defunct: 1st address)[/i]
158 Grays Inn Road
London WC1 8ED