Hirntot Records
Настоящее имя: Hirntot Records
Hip-Hop label from Berlin, Germany. Founded by Blokkmonsta and Uzi (4). Known especially for their Horrorcore releases and three busts by the police on July 5th, 2007, June 9th, 2008 and in December 2009, followed by several court cases.
When starting out, the label released a Halloween-themed EP/compilation every year between 2005 to 2007, called Süsses, Sonst Stich. There were no successors until 2013, when the practice was revived (now also sometimes as album) and continued erratically under different release names:
HT084 [r5231479] (2013)
none [r9500989] (2016)
none [r14697808] (2018)
none [r15593954] (2019)
HT118 IV (2021)
HT129 [r24931283] (2022)
Releases confiscated throughout Germany:
Blokkmonsta, Uzi & Schwartz - "Fick Die BPJM" (MP3 free track, 2005)
HT002 Blokkmonsta, Uzi & Pervers - "Süsses, sonst Stich" (CDr, 2005)
HT003 Blokkmonsta, Uzi & SDBY - "In Drei Teufels Namen" (CD, 2005)
HT004 Uzi - "Amoklauf" (CDr, 2005)
HT006 Blokkmonsta & Uzi - "Lass die Waffen sprechen" (CD, 2006)
HT007 Dr. Faustus - "Gesichter des Todes" (CD, 2006)
HT008 Blokkmonsta & Uzi - "1. Mai: Steinschlag" (CDr, 2006)
HT010 Hirntot Records - "Greatest Hits" (CD, 2006)
HT011 Blokkmonsta & Uzi - "Schlachthof" (CD, 2006)
HT016 Hirntot Records - "Süsses, Sonst Stich 2" (CDr, 2006)
HT017 Blokkmonsta & Uzi - "Hirntot: Nachgeladen" (CD, 2006)
HT020 Hirntot Records - "Tiefster Untergrund 2005-2007" (CD, 2007)
HT025_1/HT025_2 Blokkmonsta, Uzi & SDBY - "In Drei Teufels Namen 2 CD1/CD2" (CD, 2007)
HT030 Hirntot Records - "Legenden Sterben Nie" (2x CD, 2007)
HT031 Hirntot Records - "Süsses, Sonst Stich III" (CD, 2007)
Catalog numbers which will be never used or belong to yet to be released recordings whose release date is unknown:
HT012 Onkel Size - "Seelenlos" (cancelled, artist left label before it was finished)
HT013 Dr. Jekyll - "Misanthrop" (cancelled, artist left label before it was finished)
HT018 Hirntot & Breity - "Blutiger Schulflur" (cancelled due to the rampage of Emsdetten in Germany on November 20th, 2006)
HT021 Schwartz - "Hurensohn Holocaust" (cancelled due to Hirntot's legal trouble)
HT022 Dr. Faustus - "3" (status unknown)
HT036 Schwartz - "Hurensohn Holocaust 2: Nackt und zerfleischt" (cancelled due to Hirntot's legal trouble)
HT048 Blokkmonsta & Uzi - "Krieg und Frieden: Frieden" (status unknown)
HT052 unknown
HT054 Blokkmonsta - "Blokk And The Gang" (finished, but unreleased)
HT070 unknown
HT073 Rako & Kralle - "Lauter Stärker Besser Härter" (was intended to be released on Hirntot Records and Suppe Inna Puppe, but plans were changed, leaving Suppe Inna Puppe as only label)
HT091 to HT099 unknown
Hirntot Records
Postfach 42 04 32
12064 Berlin