Mi5 Recordings UK
Настоящее имя: Mi5 Recordings UK
UK Division of Mi5 Recordings. Founded by Ted Mason of "Modern English" and currently "The Blue Mocking Birds". Roster inlcudes "Jesus Jones", "Big Town Playboys", "Jaded", "Alex Lowe", "Maxim", "Riley" and "The Southern Electrics".
Mi5 Recordings UK
E-Mail: info@mi5recordings.co.uk (INFO)
E-Mail: andrew@mi5recordings.co.uk (Andrew Calvert)
Tel: 0161 975 6226
Tel: 07976 131145
Fax: 0871 433 8757
Mi5 Recordings UK
Houldsworth Mill Business & Arts Centre
Houldsworth Street
Stockport SK5 6DA, UK