Mobile One
Настоящее имя: Mobile One
London, U.K.based 46-track mobile recording truck active during the 1980s & '90s, owned and operated by engineer Barry Ainsworth.
29-30 Windmill Street
Tottenham Court Road
London W1P 1HS.
Tel.: 01-580 3744
Telex: 298 531
Ferber Studios
56, rue du Capitaine Ferber
75020 Paris - France
Tel.: 361-3101
Idea Recordings, C.G.D.
Via MF. Quintilliano 40
20138 Milan - Italy
Tel.: 5084
Studio Hamburg
Tonndorfer Hauptstrasse 90
2000 Hamburg 70 - Germany
Tel. 66881
[Contact info now all obsolete]