PolyGram Record Service GmbH
Настоящее имя: PolyGram Record Service GmbH
Please only use where explicitly credited on the release. Also credited as PRS Hannover and Polygram, Hanover, West Germany.
German manufacturing and distribution company with two vinyl mastering and pressing plants, a CD manufacturing and a tape duplication plant. One vinyl and tape duplication plant was located in Hannover (Podbielskistrasse) and the second vinyl and CD plant was located in Langenhagen (Klusriede).
Established February 1978 (registered June 1978) and operating until December 1985 (then renamed to PDO), and then again between September 1991 (registered November 1991) and December 1992 (then renamed to PMDC).
Polygram Record Service GmbH
Werk I: Podbielskistrasse 164
P.O. Box 1301
3000 Hannover 1
Telephone +49 511 6968-1
Telex: 922807
Cable: Polygram Hannover
Werk II: Klusriede 26
P.O. Box 26
3012 Langenhagen
Telephone: +49 511 7306-331
Fax: +49 511 7306-295