D-Boy Black Label
Настоящее имя: D-Boy Black Label
The Italian hardcore label which was managed by Digital Boy until 1997. After that it became a part of the So-Real Music Group (So-Real Records which is owned by MC Rage, he changed the name of the label into D-Boy Black Label, the original name was D-Boy Records. The first releases are on D-Boy Records, all the other releases are on the D-Boy Black Label.
In 2005 this label went bankrupt, all the main artists they had, left to start their own label (Noize Suppressor/DJ Bike), or to produce for other labels like The Wishmaster & Radioactive who are producing for Choose Or Lose Records, which is owned by Placid K.... a former producer of D-Boy Black Label.
D-Boy Black Label
3770 Solandra St.
Las Vegas, NV 89147 USA