Laser Disc
Настоящее имя: Laser Disc
Grupo Laser Disc is an Argentine company with industrial plants in Argentina, Chile, Peru, Costa Rica, and Brazil.
Their pressings are usually labeled with "L.D.A."or "L.D. - INDUSTRIA ARGENTINA" (Laser Disc Argentina) for Argentine releases, "LDP" (Laser Disc Peru) for Peruvian releases, and "L.D.C." (Laser Disc Chile) for Chilean releases. In these cases, please credit the appropriate sub-label instead of this entry. Some early 90s pressings do not carry any national identifier as Laser Disc was not yet a multinational company.
Usual matrix pattern on releases:
xyyyx <1659> LASER DISC (licensing label yyyy) - xxxx (example)
LASER DISC (101/3) xxxx - (licensing label) - yyyyy (example)
When entering this in the LCCN section, just add xxxx in the catalog number field. See examples above.
Matrices with MID:
MID xxxx-LASER DISC-(licensing label) - yyyyy-101 / XXXX (example)
When entering this in the LCCN section, add both "MID xxxxx" and "XXXX" in the catalog number field in that order, so that the "MID xxxxx" number is above "XXXX". See example above.