MCA Duchess Music
Настоящее имя: MCA Duchess Music
Publisher, affiliated to BMI.
Please only enter here when actually credited as "MCA Duchess Music", which should be the case for records released between 1997 and 2000.
If the publishing credit appears as "Duchess Music (MCA)" or similiar on release, it was likely released before 1997 and the credit indicates that Duchess Music was administered by MCA. In that case, please split the credit into Duchess Music and MCA.
MCA Music Publishing acquired Duchess Music in 1964 together with Leeds Music.
In 1997, the company was renamed to "MCA - Duchess Music Corporation" (filing date: Jan 09, 1997).
In 2000, after Universal purchased MCA, it was renamed again to "Universal - Duchess Music Corporation" (filing date: Jan 28, 2000).