S.A. Fonior N.V.
Настоящее имя: S.A. Fonior N.V.
Consider using Fonior S.A. when on release.
Belgian record company founded in 1929 by Eugene Willy Pelgrims de Bigard (owner of the record store La Maison Bleue). In 1934 Fonior obtained an exclusive license for the distibution of Decca products. A year later Fonior opened its own recording studio (Fonior-Studio/Fonior SA-Decca Studio), followed in 1940 by its own own pressing plant S.A. Fabeldis. In later years they took over main competitors Discopress (ca. 1955) and Sobedi (1969], consolidating all three plants in the company Sobelpress S.A. Eventually went bankrupt in 1980.
As a manufacturer Fonior operated for Decca's affiliate Dureco and its sub-labels: Omega (2), Pink Elephant, Elf Provinciën, Omega Jukebox International, Blue Elephant, Capri, Omega International, GIP, etc.
26-28 Quai des Charbonnages
B-1080 Brussels.
Tel: (02) 25-40-10