Настоящее имя: Sonografica
Sonográfica is a label established by the media conglomerate Empresas 1BC, owners of Radio Caracas, Radio Caracas Television and other media outlets in Venezuela. The sudden growth of the Venezuelan music industry in the 1980s was sparked by the presidential "one for one" decree - one Venezuelan song must be played for every foreign song.
Sonografica was a vertically integrated operation - recording took place in the TV station's recording studio, records and cassettes were manufactured in their pressing plant Sonoindustrial C.A. and distributed by Distribuidora Sonografica C.A. also, they owned Recordland C.A. a chain of record stores. Of course their product was given maximum exposure on their radio and TV stations and printed media.
Sonografica and its catalog was sold to Alvaro Veli to become Sonografica Music Digital operating from Madrid Spain and the USA and trades as Distribuidora Sonografica Music Corp & Distribuidora Sonografica Digital LLC.