The State House Of Broadcasting And Sound Recording, Moscow
Настоящее имя: The State House Of Broadcasting And Sound Recording, Moscow
Sound Recording House is located in Moscow, Russia.
Name in Russian: Государственный дом радиовещания и звукозаписи (abbreviated ГДРЗ / GDRZ).
See also, before 1992 it was called Государственный Дом Радиовещания И Звукозаписи СССР.
Appears in issues such as:
- State Radio Recording House
- Studio No. 5 Radio House Moscow
- Radio Moscow
- Dom Radio Studio, Moscow
- Studio One Moscow Radio
121812, Moscow, st. Malaya Nikitskaya, 24
The technical building of the GDRZ is located on Pyatnitskaya Street, 25, the studio building is on Malaya Nikitskaya Street, 24.