ATC Producciones Fonográficas
Настоящее имя: ATC Producciones Fonográficas
Record Company (this is not a label) of the argentinean national television service (A.T.C. is for ARGENTINA TELEVISORA COLOR) since 1979 to 1996. Also known as "ATC Records" in the 90s, this record company promoted releases of another labels such as K-Tel, Tonodisc, CBS, EMI, RCA, Polygram, Music-Hall, Interdisc, Magenta and Microfon through joint-ventures. Some releases were recorded in its own recording studio, located in its brodcasting building, between 1979 to the mid 80s.
The name A.T.C. was in service from may 3rd 1980 until april 30th 2000. Since 2009 the name was changed to "Radio y Televisión Argentina Sociedad del Estado" most commonly known as "La Televisión Pública" (The Public Television) or TV Pública (Public TV). This public television service does not promote any music release since the ATC Records defunct.