Настоящее имя: DanCD
Danish company offering full-service optical disc and vinyl manufacturing.
Please note that DanCD does not physically manufacture CDs themselves, but outsources this to external pressing plants. DanCD should not be credited with Glass Mastered At or Pressed By roles.
Identifying pressing plants
The following pressing plants may be identified from the matrix of CDs manufactured for DanCD:
• [unknown pressing plant]
SID codes: IFPI LT** / IFPI UU**
This pressing plant has not been identified. Please credit DanCD with the "Manufactured By" tag, without any further "Glass Mastered At" or "Pressed By" entries.
Example: Rubicon
• Optimal Media Production (until September 2011) / Optimal Media GmbH (after September 2011)
Matrix pattern: DANCD [release cat#] AXxxxxx-xx
SID codes: ifpi L57* / IFPI 97**
Example: Leaves - The Colour Of Falling
Phone: +45 33 12 30 12.
Email: info@dancd.dk