Memisa Cordaid
Настоящее имя: Memisa Cordaid
Dutch charitable organisation involved with providing a safe environment for pregnancies and births for mothers in developing countries. Originally founded in 1925 as a catholic organisation to support missionaries in Africa as Nederlandsch Medisch Missie Comite. In the 1980s, the traditional missionary activities, and the emphasis was now on medical care in developing countries. In 1984, the organisation having been renamed Missie Actie fused with with the doctor's organization Medicus Mundi to form Memisa. At the end of 1999, Memisa fused with two Dutch catholic organizations (Mensen in Nood and Bilance/Vastenactie) under the name of Cordaid to form Memisa Cordaid. Now known as Cordaid Memisa.
Cordaid Memisa
Lutherse Burgwal 10
2512 CB The Hague
The Netherlands
Postal Address:
Postbus 16438
2500 BK The Hague
The Netherands
Tel: 070-3136500