Italian Style (UK)
Настоящее имя: Italian Style (UK)
These are OFFICIAL Italian Style UK releases.
They were released by Disco Magic UK in conjunction with Italian Style in Italy and use the same original plates as the original Italian releases (as Disco Magic UK used to do for most of their DMX catalogue numbers).
At that time, the Italian Style records in Italy were manufactured and distributed by Discomagic Srl although the label itself was owned (and still is) by Giacomo Maiolini. The Italian Style label was the biggest independent label distributed by Discomagic Srl and formed a substantial part of their income.
Originally, Disco Magic UK released some Italian Style records under the name "Disco Magic UK - Italian Style" as in DISK001 / DISK002 / DISK003 / DISK004 / DISK005 / DISK006 and DISK LP 001.
Subsequently, the owner of Italian Style in Italy wanted to have his own separate UK identity so Disco Magic UK agreed to release the new reissues with a dedicated "Italian Style UK" label and identity.
In late 1995, Italian Style left Discomagic Srl in Italy to form their own, very successful distribution company: Self Records.
The loss of the Italian Style catalogue in Italy was a critical blow for Disccomagic Srl; it never recovered financially and eventually closed down in 1997.
Although in theory Disco Magic UK and Italian Style could have carried on with the Italian Style UK label, the reality was that the original stampers were still in the factories owned by Discomagic Srl and Italian Style felt uncomfortable with the situation.
So they mutually decided to suspend the label after ISX003.