Tiger Records
Настоящее имя: Tiger Records
Club / Electro / House / Dance label based near Cologne, Germany
Other labels with this name:
Tiger Records (2) Electronic label based in Sweden
Tiger Records (3) Obviously a "private" UK label with an release from 1980
Tiger Records (4) Finnish label
Tiger Records (5) US label mid 60s - A division of Daisy Records, Inc. > Leiber & Stoller
Tiger Records (6) UK label appeared in 1978
Tiger Records (7) Label from the Philippines
Tiger Records (8) Label from the Czech Republic - approximately 2007
Tiger Records (9) Jamaican Reggae label
Tiger Records (11) UK label associated with Sally Doherty
Tiger Records (12) UK label appeared in 1988, marketed by Creole Records
Tiger Records (15) Label from the Lebanon approximately middle of the 70s
Tiger Records (16) UK label associated to the work of Showaddywaddy approximately 1987
Tiger Records (18) US label appeared in 1998
Tiger Records (20) US Reggae label - 1092 Nostrand Ave., Brooklyn, N.Y.
Tiger Records (21) Bootleg label - U2
Tiger Records
Gottfried Engels
Bürgeweg 7
50126 Bergheim
Email: info@tiger-records.de