Grafica Pozzoli S.p.A.
Настоящее имя: Grafica Pozzoli S.p.A.
This profile is for the sleeve printing company
Please use this profile when credited with legal entity (it can be found as Grafica Pozzoli S.p.A. and Grafica Pozzoli S.p.A. Inzago), otherwise please use Grafica Pozzoli
For counterfeit releases please use Pozzoli S.P.A. (2)
For CD pressing/manufacturing (sometimes credited on label as "Printed by" please use Pozzoli or one of its sublabels (Pozzoli CD, Pozzoli S.P.A. and Pozzoli CD S.p.A.)
Via G. Di Vittorio, 11
20065 Inzago, Milan - Italy
Ph. 39 02 954341