West Virginia Records
Настоящее имя: West Virginia Records
German Heavy Metal label founded in the early 1990's by Andy Classen and Sabina Classen, now defunct.
West Virginia Records & Tapes GmbH consists of:
Labels: Morbid Music (Death/Grindcore), Hakuna Matata ReKotz (German Punk), Chaos Media (Punk), Play Rock (Rock/Sleaze), Madcross (Black/Wave), Toxo TCA (Ready-Product-Distribution), Toxo TCM Label
This entry is for the Label West Virginia Records. Use the parent company West Virginia Records & Tapes GmbH for other credits
Booking Agency: Stage Promotion
Publishing: Stage Behind Music
Merchandise/Mailorder: Dead Stage
Studio: Stage 1 Studio
West Virginia Records & Tapes GmbH
Bühne 129,
D-W3532 Borgentreich
Tel. A&R, Publishing (0)5643-630
Tel. Promotion, Booking (0)5643-8840
Tel. Stage Studio (0)5643-1846