Sony DADC Brasil
Настоящее имя: Sony DADC Brasil
Sony DADC Brasil refers to Sony DADC's manufacturing plant in Manaus, Brazil. The plant was originally established in 1979 and offered vinyl and cassette manufacturing services. It came under Sony's ownership with Sony Corp.'s purchase of CBS Records in 1988. CD manufacturing began in 1992, followed by DVD manufacturing later on.
The name Sony DADC Brasil was probably introduced in 2004, at which time Sony Disc Manufacturing unified all international manufacturing facilities (excluding Japan) under the Sony DADC moniker. SME Brasil (Sony Music Entertainment Brasil) was more commonly named in the disc matrix prior to this time.
CGC 07.305.913/0001-65
Manufacturing Site:
Avenida Cupiúba, 260, Bloco 3
Distrito Industrial, Manaus - AM
Phone: +55 (92) 2121-8501
(old address, until mid-2014)
Manufacturing Site:
Avenida Buriti, 2855
Distrito Industrial, Manaus - AM
Business Office:
Alameda Xingu, 350 – 19. andar
Alphaville Industrial, Barueri - SP
Phone: +55 (11) 2930-8000