AMZ Mídia
Настоящее имя: AMZ Mídia
AMZ Mídia was a Brazilian company that manufactured CDs from mid-2012 to mid-2015.
This profile with only the company's generic brand should only be used for "Glass Mastered At" manufacturing credit for the production of CDs or DVDs. For all other LCCN credits, please use the full corporate name as mentioned in the releases.
In mid-2012, Microservice decides to end its media manufacturing activities and formalizes the transfer of its manufacturing process to a new company, the AMZ Mídia Industrial S.A., founded in joint venture with Videolar S.A.
Therefore, AMZ "inherited" all the machinery and SID Codes that were originally registered for Microservice and Videolar in 1994.
Machinery for manufacturing the "glass master":
- Mastering SID Codes = (ex-Microservice) IFPI L36x (L363, L364) or (ex-Videolar) IFPI L56x (L563, L564)
Machinery for replication of "pressed" discs:
- Mold SID Codes = (ex-Microservice) IFPI 54xx (540A to 540Z)
The matrix format follows the latest Microservice standard, adding only the acronym "P.P.I.M." (Produzido no Polo Industrial de Manaus).
In some cases, you may also see a stylized "R" on the disc matrix, which should be credited as [One-Red "R" logo]. For more details, see One-Red profile.
AMZ Mídia Matrix Patterns [from mid-2012 to mid-2015]
AMZ xxxxxxM0yymmddTTT00 zzzzzzz
P.P.I.M. AMZ xxxxxxM0yymmddTTT00 zzzzzzz
P.P.I.M. AMZ xxxxxxM0yymmddTTT00 zzzzzzz ["R" logo]
P.P.I.M. = Produzido no Polo Industrial de Manaus
xxxxxx = the W.O./matrix catalog number
M0 = can vary between M1, M2, M3, M4 or M5
yymmdd = the glass manufacturing year-month-day
TTT00 = a media type + 2-digit code, where:
> ANC / TNC / ALC / TLC / AVC / TVC / AEC = CD
> ENC / EEC = Enhanced CD
> V5D / H5D / A5D = DVD5 (single layer)
> V0D / H0D = DVD9 (dual layer), layer 0
> V1D / H1D = DVD9 (dual layer), layer 1
> V0B = Blu-ray
zzzzzzz = the release catalog number/identifier
["R" logo] = [One-Red "R" logo]
On February 4, 2016, AMZ Mídia Industrial S.A. was formally incorporated by Videolar Innova S/A, ending its business.