Optilaser C.A.
Настоящее имя: Optilaser C.A.
Corporación Optilaser C.A.
Founded in 1989 by Formacol C.A. was the first Latin America CD manufacturer. CD Glass mastering, Replication, Artwork and Audio Mastering were among the service provided in their facilities.
Primogenito was the very first CD manufactured by Formacol C.A. and Optilaser C.A.
In 1996 opens the Audio Mastering division.
In 1998 opens the Graphic Design and Cover Printing division.
In 2000 introduces the Shape CD.
In 2001 Production lines had capacity for 25.000.000 units per year, to satisfy both local and international markets.
Optilaser ceased operations in July 2017.
Mastering Engineer: Jesús Jiménez
Mastering SID codes: L806 - L808 - L809 - L810
Mould SID codes: IFPI 5A01 - IFPI 5A02 - IFPI 5A03 - IFPI 5A04
Former addresses: (obsolete)
Av. Diego Cisneros, Edif. Hilocentro. Piso 1, Los Ruices, Caracas Venezuela
Calle Branger con Avenida Branger, Edificio Finimob, PB. Entrando por la Avenida Nueva Granada
Urbanización Los Rosales.
Caracas - Venezuela.
Ph:(58-212)-6314043 / 6314823 / 6322143 / 8938472 / 6333904
Fax:(58-212) - 6318086
Sales: ventas@optilaser.com