Trost Records
Настоящее имя: Trost Records
Started as a Vienna-based tape-label in the early 90s, releasing local acts that played the Club Flex - mainly indie/noise/avantrock. Later Trost started a independent distribution-company and finally in 2001 opened a recordstore in Vienna (
In 2010 Trost started to work with free jazz legend Peter Brötzmann and subsequently released new albums of his various projects like Full Blast (2) and Sonore.
In 2011 Trost started a reissue-label for international free jazz and austrian/german new wave/punk classics Cien Fuegos
In 2013 Trost started a new label together with the band THE THING: The Thing Records
In 2014 Trost started a new label together with the band RADIAN Radian Releases
In 2015 Trost started the publishing company CIEN FUEGOS PUBLISHING Cien Fuegos Publishing
Trost is owned and operated by Konstantin Drobil.
Trost Records
Westbahnstrasse 16
a-1070 vienna
t: +43-1-5236757-10
f: +43-1-5236757-13
Trost Records, A-1200 Wien
Brigittenauer Lände 60/20