Настоящее имя: Groovehouse
GrooveHouse is a compact disc, cassette, and vinyl manufacturing company started in 1996 by singer-songwriter Bryan Kelley.
In 2003, GrooveHouse began offering DVD manufacturing.
Please note that it has not yet been established that GrooveHouse runs a pressing plant itself, or simply outsources this as a broker company. Therefore, please use the Made By role in LCCN; do not use Glass Mastered At or Pressed By.
Discs manufactured through GrooveHouse include a 4- or 5-digit number in the matrix, which can be entered as the catalogue# for GrooveHouse when entered in LCCN. For an example, see [r3483304].
Groove House Records, Inc.
5029 Serrania Avenue
Woodland Hills, CA 91364
1-888-GROOVE-8 (1-888-476-6838)