Настоящее имя: GDC
Scandinavian distributor.
Grammofonselskabernes Distributions Central shortened GDC.
Existed from 1969 to the bankruptcy in January 2012
How to use GDC on submissions
- Add GDC as the company role Distributed By in LCCN, [u]without number in section[/u], because it is not a sequential number, but a price code.
- The price code can be added in BAOI, without "GDC"
See Hemma as an example
About the codes on releases:
50 being full-price
40 somewhat cheaper
30 mid-prize
Also see a verification that these codes was in fact Price Codes, printed on this release as "Priskod 50-1".
Tempovej 39
2750 Ballerup
(Contact info now obsolete)