Shea Stadium
Настоящее имя: Shea Stadium
Opened in April 1964, as a multi-purpose sports stadium and home for the New York Mets (baseball), the New York Jets (American football) and also for the New York Yankees (baseball) for 2 seasons. Closed in Fall 2008 and demolished.
It was the site for first ever outdoor rock concert, The Beatles, in August 1965 (55,000+ in attendance-mostly screaming). Concert promoters now had a new way to present music "live", in warmer weather, making way for the open-air spectacular events like Monterey Pop, Woodstock, Isle of Wight and Live Aid.
Bands, The Who, The Clash and The Rolling Stones, among other big names played concerts there.
Billy Joel was the last to perform there, proclaiming, "The Last Play at Shea", in July of 2008, the year the stadium closed and was replaced by a new sports stadium, Citi Field.