Studio Tempo
Настоящее имя: Studio Tempo
Montréal (Québec) recording studio founded in 1972 by owners Yves Lapierre, François Cousineau, and Bernard Scott, legally registered under Studio Tempo Inc.
Also appears as:
- Tempo Studios
- Tempo Studios, Montreal, Canada
Designed according to the plans of Record Plant, N.Y.C. studio. Originally located on McGill College avenue, the studio moved in 1976 to the Pointe Saint-Charles neighbourhood (also known locally as simply The Point).
Engineers known to have worked here;
Ian Terry (2) (1976 to 1996)
Rex Kelly
Michel Lachance (Chief Engineer mid-1970s)
707 rue Charlevoix
Montréal, Québec
H3K 2Y1
1422 McGill College
Montréal, Québec
(514) 844-9595
[i](all contact info now obsolete)[/i]