Paragon Publicity
Настоящее имя: Paragon Publicity
UK design and publicity agency (company)
Legal incorporated 25th Nov 1965 as - "Paragon Publicity & Public Relations Ltd."
Company status: Active (dormant) as of 2017.
For artistic credits please see Paragon Publicity or Paragon Publicity And Public Relations Ltd.
Principal activities - creating repertoire which is licensed to companies for the exploitation of copyrights.
The company is jointly owned by Giorgio Gomelsky & Universal Music Leisure Ltd., and forms part of the Universal Music Group.
Registered office address:
Paragon Publicity & Public Relations Limited
364-366 Kensington High Street,
W14 8NS
po box 1420 1 Sussex Place,
London W6 9XS
15 Saint George St,
London, W1R 9DE