Scitron Digital Content
Настоящее имя: Scitron Digital Content
Company started in 1986 as Scitron & Art Inc. for releasing and the production of video game related music soundtracks, games and videos. From 1988 till 1999, Scitron & Art Inc. teamed up with Pony Canyon Inc. for their joint releases of music CD's as Pony Canyon/Scitron Label. In 1999 Scitron stopped doing releases with Pony Canyon and set up their own new label called Scitron Digital Content releasing video game music and anime music CD's monthly. Releases from the pre-1999 era using the old logo belong on the Scitron label instead.
Scitron Digital Content's studio is called Scitron Studio Soundship.
Scitron Digital Contents Inc.
3-7-4 TR Building
Kanda Jimbocho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-0051
Phone: 03-5211-2251
Fax: 03-5211-2250