Inter Service Press
Настоящее имя: Inter Service Press
Record company and manufacturer in Nieuwrode (Belgium), owned by Paul Smits (4). It succeeded N.T.T. (Nieuwrode ToonTechniek) in 1978.
Initially a vinyl pressing and cassette duplication plant; in late 1987 it became the first Belgian CD manufacturer. At first CD production was mostly destined for export, in the nineties capacity rose to five million discs per year. The plant offered mastering and premastering services as well as packaging. It also supplied electroplating equipment for both CDs and vinyl discs.
The plant was eventually acquired by the Sentinel Group, moving to Wellen in 1998, and was eventually absorbed into Care4Data Services.
CD pressings can be identified by Inter Service Press or ISP in the matrix. However, glass masters can be done at other plants. E.g. when the name apepars together with CDMxx in the matrix, please add a credit Glass Mastered At CDM (10) (Malmö, Sweden) (for more info see label's profile) and Pressed By Inter Service Press (example: Just In Time).
The company also functioned as a distributor and had its own label.
Also appears on releases as:
Inter Service Presse
ISP, Belgium
I.S.P. Belgium
Please use legal entities Inter Service Press n.v. (naamloze vennootschap) or s.p.r.l. Inter Service Press (société privée à responsabilité limitée) when they appear as such.
From 01/09/1998:
Bodemstraat 16
3830 Wellen
Tel. (32) 011 37 91 70
Fax (32) 011 37 97 79
Between 26/08/1997 and 31/08/1998:
Appelweg 90
3221 Nieuwrode (Holsbeek)
Tel. (32) 016 550 660
Fax (32) 016 569 477
Before 26/08/1997:
Appelweg 88-94
3221 Nieuwrode (Holsbeek)
Tel.: (016) 56-98-82
Telex: 61246 I.S.P.B.
[All obsolete]