Cube Records Ltd.
Настоящее имя: Cube Records Ltd.
Record company behind the label Cube Records. Established by David Platz (initially incorporated as Fly Records Ltd. on 18 June 1971), renamed to 'Cube Records Limited' on 8 March 1972 (filed on 13 June 1972).
The company was renamed Cube Soundtracks Ltd. on 23 June 2004. Subsequently on 25 June 2004 "Cube Records Ltd." was re-incorporated as a newly-registered (dormant) company.
Full legal entity name: Cube Records Limited
First UK Company number: 01014877
Operated under this name: 13 June 1972 to 23 June 2004
Second UK Company number:05163314
Status: Active (dormant)
Immediate parent: Onward Music Limited
Ultimate parent: David Platz Music Limited
Registered office address:
212 Regent's Park Road
Onward House 11 Uxbridge Street,
London, W8 7TQ
Hanover House, 14 Hanover Square,
London, W1S 1HP
1A Farm Place,
London, W8 7SX
Suite 2.07 Plaza, 535 Kings Road,
London, SW10 0SZ
Noel House, 19/20 Poland Street,
London, W1V 3DD