Настоящее имя: Fonoars
WARNING: This is a series, not a label on its own. Only add this entry in the Series field, together with the actual label on the release (Jugoton, in few occurencies Croatia Records).
Series established by Jugoton which held releases of serious music. Fonoars carried a large selection of works by classical and contemporary Yugoslav (mainly Croatian) composers, as well as performances of foreign authors by domestic artists. Editorial board of Fonoars frequently collaborated with experts from Self-managing community of interest (SIZ - Samoupravna/samostalna interesna zajednica) for culture, Musical production of RT Zagreb (today Hrvatska Radiotelevizija - HRT), Muzički Informativni Centar Zagreb (MIC) (Music Information Center), Hrvatsko Društo Glazbenih Umjetnika (Croatian Association of reproductive artists), Hrvatsko Društvo Skladatelja (Association of Croatian composers), SOKOJ (Rights society, today ZAMP) and numerous radio and TV centers and institutions throughout the country. The key person and editor behind Fonoars was Vida Ramušćak, and some of the most prolific sub-editions from the series were Suvremeni Hrvatski Skladatelji / Contemporary Croatian Composers Series and Suvremeni Hrvatski Glazbenici / Contemporary Croatian Performing Artists Series.
- Suvremeni Hrvatski Glazbenici / Contemporary Croatian Performing Artists Series
- Suvremeni Hrvatski Skladatelji / Contemporary Croatian Composers Series
- Hrvatska Glazbena Baština / Croatian Musical Heritage Series
- Osorske Glazbene Večeri / Musical Evenings In Osor
- Hrvatski Skladatelji
- Varaždinske Barokne Večeri / Varaždin Baroque Evenings
- Koncert U Predvečerje
- Hrvatska Crkvena Glazbena Baština / Croatian Church Music Heritage