Intersong USA, Inc.
Настоящее имя: Intersong USA, Inc.
Publishing company operating under this name since 5 May 1970, affiliated to ASCAP (IPIs #57336276 and #62268776). Has operated as two separate legal entities:
1. 5 May 1970 to 9 April 1985 as 'Intersong USA, Inc.'
2. 9 April 1985 to present as 'Intersong U.S.A., Inc.'
Sometimes credited as:
- Intersong USA Inc.
- Intersong-U.S.A., Inc
- Intersong U.S.A. Inc.
First incorporated legal entity:
NY Company number: 283822
Incorporated: 22 October 1969 as 'Polyphon Music, Inc.'
Name change: 5 May 1970 - this page
Dissolved: 9 April 1985
Burlington Music Corp. was merged into the above company on 28 February 1983.
Second incorporated company:
NY Company number: 987887
Incorporated: 9 April 1985
Please consider Intersong USA, Intersong U.S.A., Intersong Music U.S.A., Intersong USA Music Inc., Intersong Music (USA), Inc., if so credited.
Registered address:
8 Liberty Street
New York
NY 10005
United States of America