Series 2000
Настоящее имя: Series 2000
60's US/Canadian series by the Time Records (3) label. The series was released in the timespan of 1960 to around 1966/1967 and included a wide span of genres including jazz and avantgarde classical, though mainly easy listening. Some titles were licensed to Oriole in the UK and released there under Time Oriole branding.
The series has the banner "For those who dare... The exclusive sound extra" and was build around the recording technique in an era of "re-channeled stereo". The liner notes reads:
"The creed of SERIES 2000 is craftmanship. This product originates through multi-channel recording. No monaural recordings are made at initial sessions. It's our feeling that simultaneous stereophonic and monaural recording produces a compromise. However, when concentrating on recording only three track stereo, one achieves the best possible results. The end product is mixed down from the original multi-channel recording. This enables SERIES 2000 to reach the maximum peak of recording effiency".
The series has had around 200 releases.