The Classics
Настоящее имя: The Classics
A series by the Philips Label in Belgium.
In the Netherlands a similar series existed, called De Klassieken.
In Germany, a similar series was called Die Klassik Diskothek.
The Classics exists of different subscription series by Philips.
The first series was called "The Classics 1975-1977" and existed of 44 LP's. This was the white series.
The second series, "The Classics 1977-1979" also existed of 44 LP's released per 2 pieces. This was the black series.
After third series, "The Classics - Meesterwerken uit de kamermuziek" existed of 22 LP's, also released per 2 pieces. This was sometimes referred to as the rainbow series. Except for the brochure and the 2 boxes, the records were same in The Netherlands.
The numbering of the series did not follow the chronology of release, but the chronology of when the music was composed.