Настоящее имя: Videolar
Videolar is a Brazilian company created in 1988 to manufacture and duplicate VHS and Cassette. With the expansion of the digital media market, the company absorbed/incorporated VAT - Video Audio Tape do Amazonas S.A. and set up its media and glass master factory plus a graphic park for printing material, as well as the production of PVC cases in Manaus, AM
During the life spam several corporate names, CGC/CNPJ and addresses were used:
★ Videolar Multimídia Ltda. (1988, CGC 22.797.096/0001-01)
★ Videolar Produtos Magnéticos Ltda. (1989, CGC 61.743.548/0001-16)
★ Videolar da Amazônia S.A. (1989, CGC / CNPJ 34.502.880/0001-16)
★ Videolar S.A. (1998, CNPJ: 04.229.761/0004-13)
★ Videolar Innova S/A (2014, CNPJ: 04.229.761/0013-04)
Please only use this profile when only the generic name/brand VIDEOLAR is mentioned on the covers, labels or matrix rings of CDs and DVDs.
Glass Masters Made At Videolar:
Videolar started producing its own glass masters in 1994, almost always 'signing' the name or logo on the matrix rings. Masters manufactured by Videolar has a standard/pattern
(nnnnnn = release catalog number)
(ABCD = commissioning label, sometimes a shortened release title)
(XXXXX = 4 or 5-digit WO/Job number, sequenced)
[The order/sequence of the data in the matrix did not follow an exact criteria, and some had either no label or job#, or both]
Earliest matrices (1994-1995) do not mention WO/Job numbering, except for a small number with a pattern <1229> followed by a 4 or 5 digit alphanumeric.
Matrix numbering (WO/Job#) only starts to appear as sequential from 1995 onwards. The default* is 4 digits until 1997, 5 digits between 1997 and 2003 and 7 digits between 2003 and 2015 with prefix 10 and 11(xxxxx) and then 80 and 81(xxxxx).
*occasionally a prefix or suffix (letters or numbers) was appended to the basic number, probably to indicate variants or replacements.
✱ The use/crediting of WO/Job numbers as "Glass Mastered At: Videolar - 00000" should only be done if complete, including suffixes and prefixes ✱
Never reproduce the catalog number, the names or logos of any company or titles mentioned in the matrix on the company catalog number field
Please do not date releases only by comparing them to sequential numbers. The comparison can however be useful to exclude impossible dates (years) of release.
SID codes used were
Mastering SID: L561, L562, L563, L564
Mould SID: 9601 to 9644, 05M4
Avenida Tamboré, 25 - CEP 06460-000 - Alphaville - Barueri - SP - Tel.: (+55 11) 4197-7000
Avenida Solimões 505, Distrito Industrial, Manaus, AM