Настоящее имя: Digitalfabriken
Mastering studio in Gothenburg, Sweden, formed by Torbjörn Samuelsson. Sold to DCM (3) in 2000 and since January 1, 2001, Digitalfabriken were the name all DCM (3)'s mastering activities in Gothenburg were labelled as. Since Feb 2006 it fell under Dicentia after SDC (3) Group, merged with DCM (3).
Related to:
- Digfab
Name variations as found on this profile:
- Digitalfabriken
- Digital-Fabriken
- Digital Fabriken
Bror Nilssons Gata 4
417 55 Göteborg
Tel: +46(0)31-7425900
Fax: +46(0)31-583137