Plangent Visions Music Ltd.
Настоящее имя: Plangent Visions Music Ltd.
Publishing company, affiliated with PRS (IPI #46748357). Incorporated on 7 February 1978, dissolved 31 December 2019.
The company is associated with Peter Barnes (the longstanding director of the independent companies owned by Pink Floyd - including Pink Floyd Music Ltd. and Pink Floyd Music Publishers Ltd.) and Jake Riviera.
Previously a wholly-owned subsidiary of BMG Rights Management (UK) Limited from 12 April 2018 until dissolution.
Full legal entity name: Plangent Visions Music Limited
UK Company number: 01351781
Please consider Plangent Visions, Plangent Visions Ltd., Plangent Visions Music, Plangent Visions Music Inc., Plangent Visions Music Co. Ltd., Plangent Vision, Plangent Vision Music Ltd., Plangent Vision Music, Inc., Plangent Music, Plangent Music Ltd., Plangent Music Publishing Ltd., if so credited.
Registered office address:
8th Floor
5 Merchant Square
W2 1AS
United Kingdom
3rd Floor Paternoster House,
65 St Paul'S Churchyard,
London, EC4M 8AB
Russell Bedford House,
City Forum 250 City Road,
London EC1V 2QQ
8 Baker Street,
London, W1U 3LL
Clifford's Inn, Fetter Lane,
London, EC4A 1AS