Elvis Presley Music
Настоящее имя: Elvis Presley Music
Publishing company affiliated with BMI, mostly associated with the works of Elvis Presley or songs that he made famous, like: Hound Dog, My Baby Left Me, Jailhouse Rock and That's Alright Mama, etc.
Name variations as found on this profile:
- Elvis Presley Music, USA
- E. Presley Mus.
- E. Presley Music
Also consider the many related profiles when shown that way on release:
Elvis (3)
Presley Music
Presley Music Co.
Presley Publ.
Elvis Presley
Elvis Presley Publishing
Elvis Presley Music Pub.
Elvis Presley Music Corp.
Elvis Presley Musik
Elvis Music
Elvis Music, Inc.
Elvis Presley Songs
Elvis Presley Inc.
Elvis Presley Music, Inc.
Edition Presley Music