Southlake Recording Studios, Metairie, LA
Настоящее имя: Southlake Recording Studios, Metairie, LA
Recording studio located in Metairie, Louisiana, USA
The studio was founded by Paul R. DeCorte in 1986. In the early 1990s, DeCorte planned to open a studio / music club complex in the New Orleans Warehouse District, but the plan fell through, and instead, he sold the Southlake studio in the fall of 1991 to his engineer, Steve Himelfarb, who renamed it to New Orleans Recording Company.
Associated engineers: David Farrell, Steve Himelfarb
Also credited as:
Southlake Studios, New Orleans, LA
Southlake Recording Studio
Southlake Studio
Southlake Recording Studios
3229 8th St.
Metairie, LA 70002
(Contact info now obsolete)