Furnace MFG
Настоящее имя: Furnace MFG
Furnace MFG is a manufacturing company based in Alexandria, VA, USA. Originally founded as a CD and DVD manufacturing broker in 1996, Furnace began offering vinyl manufacturing in 2008, also as a broker. They usually worked with Record Industry or Schallplattenfabrik Pallas GmbH. In late 2018, Furnace began pressing their own vinyl at a newly-built factory in Alexandria.
At some point and time, they rebranded as Furnace Record Pressing. Use that entry when listed. In early 2023 a majority interest in Furnace MFG was acquired by [a18839]
When crediting Furnace MFG in LCCN, please use the Made By or Manufactured By role, except for releases pressed in Furnace's vinyl pressing plant since 2018.
Furnace MFG may be credited when represented in the disc matrix as one of the following:
· FURNACE, as on [r5798211]
· FMFG, as on 3: Flight Of The Behemoth
When credited as a URL (listed in the sub-labels section), please credit the appropriate label profile instead of this one.
As Furnace MFG was a CD and DVD manufacturing broker, it should only be credited when its name is present in the matrix (never by matrix numbers or SID codes).
6315 Bren Mar Dr
Suite 195
Alexandria, VA 22312
Email: info@furnacemfg.com