Multidisk b.v.
Настоящее имя: Multidisk b.v.
Former Dutch production company, exploitation of licenses, management and consultant for other record companies and music publishers, based in Almere. Founded on August 21, 1992 by Cor Aaftink and joined in 1998 by Danny Nicolay (Danny Bultman). After the dead of Cor Aaftink on 1 Jan. 2010, Danny suddenly became the only owner.
From Aug. 2010 / July 2012 Danny Bultman's Multidisk label entered into a strategic partnership with Ultimate Management from Maurice Edelenbosch. The company became less active after that and was officially declared bankrupt in June 2013. Looking back, besides the death of Cor Aaftink, another reason for the bankruptcy was the earlier bankruptcy of the Dutch record store 'Musicstore' in Sept. 2010, which accounted for 80% of Multidisk's distribution revenue.
At that time Multidisk B.V. was also trading under the name: Multi Dance (officially Multidance), Multi Music (4) (officially Multimusic), Multimusic Publishing Holland and PARROT music.
Multidisk b.v.
Bakkenzuigerstraat 8
1333 HA, Almere
The Netherlands
Multidisk b.v.
Postbus 1263
1300 BG, Almere
The Netherlands
Tel.: +31 (0)36 - 52 90 268
Fax: +31 (0)36 - 52 90 399