Настоящее имя: Diskwerks
Mastering studio - operated by Gary Hedden and W. Gavin McGammon in Schaumburg, Illinois, a northwest Chicago suburb, adjacent to Hedden West Studios.
In 1977, the studio was equiped with a SP-77 transfer console and the Ochoa system which included an A-80 preview machine, SP-75 program console, Neumann VMS-70 computer controlled disk cutting lathe, with SX-74 stereo cutter head driven by 1,200 watts of audio power. manufactured by Neumann of West Berlin and installed by Gotham Audio Corp., exclusive U.S. distributor.
In 1979 added the mix-to-disk mastering capacity, sparing the generation of mix-down tape and a compromise between direct-to-disk and conventional mastering.
Most LPs mastered here were stamped with DISKWERKS in runout (example: Let's All Get Naked), though some early masters had an etched stylized 'DW' [may appears a capital D with overline and underline - example: Emerging].
These should be credited as "Lacquer Cut At".
Mastering engineer name or initials may also sometime appears etched in runout.
These should be credited as "Lacquer Cut By".
Known engineers:
Iain Burgess ANV Iain
Ron Lewter ANV Ron or RL
Kevin Vogts ANV K.V.