ODS Scandinavia A/S
Настоящее имя: ODS Scandinavia A/S
Company created following the purchase of 51% of CD Factory A/S by Optical Disc Service GmbH at the end of 2004. They acted as a sales and distribution arm for the Scandinavian area, disc replication was carried out by the plant in Dassow owned by ODS Optical Disc Services while they offered duplication services for short run productions locally at the plant in Østerbro. Following the parent companies restructuring that occurred at the end of 2006 and the beginning of 2007 due to the divestiture of the insolvent manufacturing division, ODS Scandinavia A/S's existence ended when ownership was transferred to the new parent ODS Business Services Group GmbH in the beginning of 2007 creating the new company ODS Business Services A/S.
Discs manufactured through them can be identified by their url in the matrix, www.ods-scandinavia.com, please credit the url with "Made By".
Emdrupvej 26
2100 København Ø
Phone: +45 70 20 12 94
Fax: +45 70 20 12 95
Email: info@ods-scandinavia.com